What do they eat?

What do they eat?

The same as the other cats ... For nutrition I recommend: dry feed of good quality, such as Hill’s, Now, Proplan, Royal Canin, Grandorf, Nutro, Iams, Eagle-Pack ... And also canned food of these companies.

Talking about natural nutrition frozen beef, cottage cheese, quail eggs (2-3 times per week), lamb, rabbit, turkey, baby food ...

These products are not allowed: pork and fish (seldom and as a treat), as well as smoked products, products with spices, fried food ...

Treats: the Canadian sphinxes very often have a strange passion to fruits, chocolate, nuts ... You can treat your favorite pussy, but it’s a treat, not a food ...

How to take care?

Nothing special ... Sphinxes get dirty. Therefore, they need to be bathed as far as they get dirty ... Most Canadian sphinxes like water, and this procedure is very pleasant for them.

Once a week, you need to clean the ears with cotton wool buds. (Without fanaticism, there is no need to put a cotton bud into a healthy ear once more).

If the Sphinx has dirty eyes — also wipe them with a cotton wool bud, or a cotton pad moistened in boiled water or in a special cleaner for eyes.

What else would I like to underscore?... Normal discharge from eyes is a jelly-like brownish numble in the corner of the eye. If the look has not become as clear as before, if the discharge is purulent, the eyes water — it is worth immediately go to the vet clinic.

Do you need to cut claws? Sphinx is not bothered with them. But it will help you to save your things and furniture. There is a special machine for trimming that helps you to do it quickly and painlessly...

What can be dangerous for the Sphinx?

A lot of things. There should not be anything inedible in reach. No buttons, bolts, screws, threads, everything — that can be swallowed. There should be a reliable net on the windows — the Sphinx is very curious and very mobile.... If you want to go for a walk with it, it is better to put on the harness and do it in a place without dogs ... The bathroom should be closed, the Sphinx love water and can dive. The pet will not drown, but it may swallow water and water may get into ears...

Lighted candles, gas, fireplace should not be left unattended. If you have plants at home, check if there are any poisonous species among them.

The most dangerous symptoms of a kitten are vomiting and diarrhea! If this happens, you should immediately contact the veterinarian and inform the breeder!

What should I get buying a kitten?

  1. tray
  2. filler, which was used by the breeder
  3. plates for eating
  4. feed, which was recommended by the breeder
  5. scratching post, but it is better to buy a whole tree — this will help you to avoid a lot of problems
  6. toys: mice, ticklers, balls
  7. towel

But the most necessary is your love and affection!